Why become an AFNR Educator?
Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources (AFNR) Educators never have the same day twice. One day they might be in a classroom or laboratory, the next visiting students in the field, preparing teams for a FFA Career Development Event, or leading a community service activity with their FFA Chapter.
AFNR Educators...
Teach by doing, not just telling.
Share their passion for agriculture.
Create lessons that are hands-on.
Reach students, including those who might not be successful in a traditional classroom.
Teach about cutting edge topics, like cloning, satellite mapping, biofuels, alternative energy and more.
Travel in state, nationally, and even internationally.
Work with new and emerging technology from agribusiness companies.
AFNR Educators are often on extended contracts, which means they get paid during the summer months and have the potential to earn a significantly higher salary than other teachers.
Agricultural education teaches students about agriculture, food and natural resources. Through these subjects, agricultural educators teach students a wide variety of skills, including science, math, communications, leadership, management and technology.
Agricultural Education uses a three-circle model of instruction. These are classroom and laboratory instruction, leadership development, and experiential learning. The successful integration of each of these three components results in a strong program that produces well rounded individuals who are prepared to be leaders in agriculture, business, and industry.
Many high school agriculture programs use FFA to enhance the leadership and experiential learning portions of their program.
Currently there is a shortage of AFNR Educators at the secondary level in Michigan. It is estimated that there will be hundreds of unfilled positions across the United States this year, simply because not enough students are choosing to be agricultural educators.
Interested in learning more about becoming an AFNR Educator? Talk to your teacher or guidance counselor today about how to get started on the path to becoming an AFNR Educator. Here are some tips to help you get going:
Talk to your AFNR Educator about what his or her job is like.
Ask your teacher to schedule a job shadowing or internship experience for you.
Develop a SAE involving agricultural education and participate in the FFA agricultural education proficiency event.
Check out colleges and universities that offer a degree in agricultural education.