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Teacher Spotlights


Mrs. Jessica Couch

School: Hopkins
Years Teaching: 21

Mrs. Jessica Couch is an agriscience teacher and FFA advisor at Hopkins High School. She has served in this role for the past 21 years and has helped build Hopkins into the strong agriculture program that it is today. Mrs. Couch’s favorite parts of her job are building relationships with students, making memories, and watching students succeed. Thank you, Mrs. Couch, for your dedication to ag education in Michigan.


School: Milan 
Years Teaching: 2

Ms. Josephine Forbush is the agriscience teacher and FFA advisor at Milan High School. Ms. Forbush says she became a teacher, “because it combines all of my passions; young people, agriculture, and FFA.” In just her second year of teaching, Ms. Forbush has expressed her passion for working with students and giving them opportunities and resources that help them learn. Thank you, Ms. Forbush, for your dedication to ag education in Michigan.

Ms. Josephine Forbush


School: Laker
Years Teaching: 6

Mrs. Haley Cucinello is the agriscience teacher and FFA advisor at Laker High School. Haley said the reason she became an ag teacher was because of her advisor Don Wheeler, who, “Made class time never feel truly like work, challenged us in ways that made us better people and encouraged us to find our passions and live them out every day.” Her favorite part of being an advisor is working with the students, and getting the students involved in the community as much as possible. Thank you, Mrs. Cucinello, for your dedication to ag education in Michigan.

Mrs. Haley Cucinello


Mr. Pete Barnum

School: Mason
Years Teaching: 23 

Mr. Pete Barnum is the agriscience teacher and FFA advisor at Mason High School. When asked why he became an ag teacher, Mr. Barnum said, “Ultimately, I became an Ag teacher and FFA Advisor to make a positive difference in the lives of young people. One of my favorite aspects of this career is helping students accomplish more than they ever dreamed possible. FFA is often the vehicle that provides that opportunity for student success.” Thank you, Mr. Barnum, for your dedication to ag education in Michigan.


Mr. Tony McCaul

School: Careerline Tech Center
Years Teaching: 12

Mr. Tony McCaul is an agriscience teacher and FFA advisor at the Careerline Tech Center. When asked for his favorite career memory Mr. McCaul said, “Each year it’s amazing to have new students come into the class and by the end they are family. Some of my favorite memories are when we are traveling for FFA and “stuff” just happens, like our hotel losing power, etc.” Thank you, Mr. McCaul, for your dedication to ag education in Michigan.


Mr. Connor Hubbard

School: Alcona
Years Teaching: 5

Mr. Connor Hubbard, a past-member of the Alcona FFA chapter, has been teaching at home for the past five years. Mr. Hubbard enjoys providing his students with hands-on learning opportunities and watching them grow into confident people. Thank you, Mr. Hubbard, for your dedication to ag education in Michigan. 

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